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Dedicated to Cassi, who's player, Becky has gone aboard the ship of light. Prayers are raised for thee to the God of Mercy for thy beautiful soul ~ May ye walk in peace in His meadows ~ and find rest in the mansions He has prepared.

~ ~ A Prayer to Truffenyi ~ ~
by: Sir Steelake Vrochren

Come to me, my Kinsman, the Light, my Guide.
Come to me, that I may come to you.
Since I went forth into the darkness I was given
Water to drink, food to nourish my spirit.
I am in the midst of my enemies, the beasts surround me.
They burned in their wrath, they rose up against me.
Matter and her sons divided me up amongst them,
They burnt me in their fire, they sewed me in filthy skins,
They heaped memories upon me, they gave me a bitter likeness.

The strangers with whom I mixed knew me not.
They desired to keep me with them, for I was life to them.
In me, they saw a garment they might wear.
Come to me, my Kinsman, the Light, my Guide!

I am the life of the world.
I am the milk that is in all trees.
I am the sweet water that is beneath the sons of matter.
Lo, in the darkness I have subdued
Lo, the fire of the fountains I have extinguished,
as the sun receives the refined part of life.

O soul, raise your eyes to the height
And contemplate your bonds,
Lo, your Fathers are calling you!
Now go aboard the Ship of Light,
And receive your garland of glory.
Your kingdom awaits,
And rejoice with all the Aeons.

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And last updated on February 15, 2000