Abba, Eternal Father

Immaculate Mary ~ Patroness of the United States

Immaculate Mary

Patroness of the

United States

Pray for us

Send down Your Holy Spirit, the Paraclete

Our Advocate, Comforter and Guide.


Surround us with Your Holy Angels

May the Saints in Heaven aid us;

We suffer...but are not overcome

And in seeking both healing and justice

Grant us Your Peace

We ask this through

Jesus Christ, Our Lord




Pope John Paul II Prays for Peace

My God, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love You. I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not trust and do not love You. And I ask You for the grace of conversions.

And I also ask You to spare the life of the unborn child who I have
spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion and worse.

Pro-Life Quote by the Pope


Saint Michael

September 11, 2001

Plane Flying Under Half-Mast USA Flag God Bless America


Prayer by Bud Macfarlane Jr.


In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen.

Almighty Father, we commend the victims of this shocking tragedy to Your eternal love. We implore Your comfort upon the injured, the families and friends involved, and all who are doing their utmost to rescue survivors and help those affected. We ask You, Father, to grant the American people the strength and courage they need at this time of sorrow and trial.

We beg you, Jesus, to send Your legions of heavenly Angels, led by Saint Michael the Archangel, to protect the United States from additional attempts of destruction. If supernatural means are required to foil these plots, we humbly implore you to suspend natural laws to save innocent lives and souls.

Holy Spirit, we are a sinful nation, and we beg you to send us Your authentic spirit of repentance. We are also a nation capable of great charity and justice, so look not on our sins, Heavenly Spirit of Mercy, but upon our sorrow and resolve to turn from evil, to fight evil, and procure victory over evil. Illuminate the minds and souls of our citizens and especially our leaders so we can see the error of our ways, and give us the sweet grace required to turn to God with pure hearts.

Immaculate Mary, Humble Virgin, Mother of our Church, and protectress of our nation, we ask you to go before the Throne of the Holy Trinity and intercede for the United States at this critical juncture in our history. Gently place your mantle upon our land, upon our people, upon our allies, upon our fighting men and women, as you once wrapped our Savior in swaddling clothes in a manger.

We have no words that rightly express what we on earth cannot understand or ever truly fathom--the Love of God--so we turn with childlike faith to the words that Jesus Himself taught us to pray:

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, Amen!

Ronald's ribbon

With loving thoughts and prayers

Ronald Hoerner

Age: 58 Hometown: Richmond Hill, Employer: Summit Security, BZ Level WTC Tower 2 Physical Description: Hair graying, Height 6'1", Weight 170 Last seen:

Last seen helping people out of Tower 2 lobby.

Aunt Marie and Uncle Bob

My heart and prayers are with you,

with your family, and with Ronald's wife


Ronald's ribbon

USA Flag - L


A Candle that burns brightly for you, my neighbor, my friend, for love and friendship live with God, and in Him we live forever.

Disaster Victim Locator

USA Flag - R

Iron "Cross" Found
at Ground Zero

Iron Cross found at the Towers

By SHANNON McCAFFREY, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - A cast iron ``cross'' found in the rubble of the World Trade Center has been adopted by rescue workers as a symbol of faith and blessed with holy water by a Franciscan priest.

The 20-foot tall cross, consisting of two metal beams, fell intact from one of the twin towers into a nearby building.

Laborer Frank Silecchia, 47, found the cross standing almost upright two days after the towers toppled September 11th.

``Some people will say it's velocity or physics that put it there. To me it's an act of God,'' said Silecchia, who cried for 20 minutes after his discovery.

Since then rescue workers have made pilgrimages to pray or meditate near the cross. Some etch messages on it. ``God Bless Our Fallen Brothers,'' reads one tribute.

On Wednesday, workers hoisted the cross atop a 40-foot high foundation, formerly a pedestrian walkway. Construction workers, firefighters and police officers stood quietly by as the Rev. Brian Jordan blessed it with holy water.

``Behold the glory of the cross at ground zero,'' Jordan said. ``This is our symbol of hope, our symbol of faith, our symbol of healing.''

The workers prayed and sang God Bless America together before returning to work.

Ronald's ribbon
Firemen Raising the Flag on 9-11
Ronald's ribbon

NOW that the President has called us to prayer...
NOW that Congress has called us to prayer...
NOW that our Governor has called us to prayer...
NOW that the city Mayor has called us to prayer...
NOW that the 'liberal' media has called us to prayer...
And NOW that our churches are assembling in special prayer...

'Honorable' Justices of the Supreme Court, I have only one question...

"Would it be O.K. to pray in our schools?"

For the best collection of news, in-depth reports, and reflective articles, visit:

CatholiCity News

Two truly great pages to visit, made by my friend Mary:

A Prayer For Guidance

~ and ~

The Binch of September 11th, 2001

The first three pictures on this page are from

Franciscian Joy Cards

That I receive daily from Sister Particia who was the first able to
express the feelings of my heart when I heard the terrible news.


The words of the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, cohesively convey my
hopes, prayers and fears for our great nation, the United States of America.

War on Terrorism ~ News and Photos

Yahoo Daily News

Yahoo 9-11 Latest News

9-11 News Photos


My 9-11 Collection of Photos
